
well, i've gotten most of the icon pages up, and i would have finished all of them, but i got bored. -_-;; so anyway, i hope to get the rest of those up by the end of the week, and then maybe put up the links page. the only things that are gonna take a while to get up are the art and writing sections. in fact, i'm considering not putting the art section back up at all. i dunno. but i do know that the writing sections are going to be a bitch to get back up and all switched to the new layout. i've got to re-code every single piece of writing to better fit into scrolling divs, and that, frankly, is not going to be much fun. so, well, it might be a while before you see those pages again, sorry. until then, i guess you could just look me up on AllPoetry or FanFiction.net (i'm Ahou and Becbet, respectively); or just bombard me with complaints at my livejournal. because, honestly, i check it more frequently than i do email.


okies, got a bit more done, though i'm not even close to half-way finished. i've got the splash page thing up, a fanlisting page up, the profile page up, and the etc. page, which only links to the fanlisting page and the icons page (so far.) also, the icons link on that page still leads to the old icons page, as i haven't had the time to handle that mess yet. i'm gonna try and work on this some more tomorrow (now that i've mastered popups, it should go pretty smoothly). but now, well, now i'm going to bed. (technically, it's actually the 23rd, but i had switched the splash page updated date to the 22nd, and am far too lazy to go and change that. thus...we're like, going back in time. or something.)


yeah, so, whatta'ya think? simple, yes, but i like the whole black and white thing. besides, schuldig + farfarello = so much love. everything's still under construction, which is why all the links are down, but i am rather pleased with this so far.

oh, but, while i'm thinking about it, if you see anything wonky with the website, could you kindly let me know? [email: becbet@msn.com] i haven't got the splash page up yet, but this is best viewed with Internet Explorer, with your monitor set on 1280x960. i have no idea how it looks in anything below.

at any rate, links should be up and functioning within the week; given the fact that my finals don't just completely kick my ass.

content and design © becbet 2005
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